Posted: 13.02.19

Five Reasons You Are Losing Friends

For people who feel like they're losing their friends suddenly, the first response can be to panic. It is important to realize that over time friends may come and go, but if you feel like all of your friends are leaving at a higher rate you may want to look into possible reasons they are walking away. If you're going to keep friends for more extended periods of time and feel you are losing friends at a fast rate, you may need to take a little bit of time to internalize possible reasons and maybe make some changes. Here are some of the reasons people lose friends, as well as some of the fixes.

Nurturing Friendships Is Important

Many people find themselves at certain points of their life being too busy to cultivate and maintain their friendships as a priority. If other obligations come between you and friends, your friends may get the impression that you do not care about them and may back away. This can happen because people are starting a family, a new job, or simply focusing on something temporarily more than they usually might. Often, this is a subconscious thing that people are not aware of until it is brought up on a blog like this or by a friend. Using a planner, and reaching out to your friends on a fairly regular basis can help alleviate some of this. Communication is a great start, but some people need personal interactions. Some people choose to organize group social events to help make seeing people more efficient.

Many People Can Improve How They Email

Occasional emails and messages may be extremely convenient and fantastic tools, but because they are text, there can sometimes be misunderstandings. It can also be easy to focus too much on frustrations or positives in life, which gives the messages an energy that may be interpreted in a way that was not intended. Watch what you say on your email messages, and look to make balanced notes about positives and negatives. Try not to vent your frustrations too much, at least about a particular person or topic. If your messages are not being responded to, sometimes connecting face-to-face or via phone call is a good way to reset the relationship.

Many People Can't Apologize, Or Don't

If you have not communicated with someone in a long time, go ahead and apologize. Letting people know what you do wrong and that you do recognize it and have feelings about it can be immensely helpful in relationships. Try not to apologize too much; but do look to apologize for impactful things that you did do wrong. If you feel that an apology might help a situation, let it come from the heart, try not to put off apologizing too long. Following through is an integral part of the process.

It Could Be That You Are Too Clingy

Honestly, you might think that you are not as clingy as you are because your impression of the concept is different than other people's. It is the other person's feelings and emotions that should be considered more here. A quick communication can be all it takes for the other person to be able to let you know that they might need a little bit more space at times. Once this communication has happened, you do not need to reinitiate it every day. Revisit your communication every once in a while; it can be a big help.

Not Showing Support? You Could Improve On That

Giving support during both the great moments and the notsogreat moments in people's lives is part of what friendship is. Ask people if everything is okay if something seems off, and offer to chat things out if it will help. Often, communicating needs and wants helps improve relationships and friendships. Recognize people's latest difficulties and achievements, and show your support. This does not mean overwhelming them with advice, but rather just letting them know you are there to listen and/or to give thoughts if they'd like. Let them know that you are there for them.